Colleague Profile
1996 Westminster College in New Wilmington, Pennsylvania,
Names Dr. Eva Hauel Cadwallader as Professor Emerita
Eva Hauel Cadwallader, Westminster College &
President, American Society for Value Inquiry (1978-1979) "Frankly, I still do not understand why philosophy in our time must settle for less. I do not think that philosophers today must choose between "knowing more and more about less and less" and "pre-scientific fuzzy thinking." I continue to nourish the hope that a day will come, although maybe not in my lifetime, that Western philosophers will reunite the two great traditions that span the Atlantic, and in doing so again make a major impact on Western civilization." Assistant Professor of Philosophy, 1973
* Connection Point: Upon retirement, Dr. Cadwallader moved to north Texas, and now resides in Denton.